Spreading Christmas Cheer, Year after Year!
Christmas is the most wonderful and magical time of the year, and here at Jinglebell Junction, it’s Christmas all year round!
We just love celebrating Christmas, and we've got all kinds of fun Christmas things to do while you are here.
You’ll find all kinds of free Christmas downloads you can use to decorate your digital life! Check out our collection of fun Christmas iPhone wallpapers!
We also have fun Christmas stuff like family Christmas recipes, famous Christmas quotes, a collection of funny Christmas comics, and loads of Christmas news and articles related to all things Christmas!
We've got a fun collection of cool Christmas crafts, and homemade gift ideas!

Jinglebell Junction is your home for free Christmas downloads... we feature tons of printable Christmas coloring sheets, cute Christmas wallpapers, Christmas avatars, a collection of cool Christmas fonts… just to name a few.
Our most Loved Christmas Downloads...
Check out these fun Featured Articles...
Recycle old coffee cans into fabulous gift wrapped containers!
Using an old coffee can to wrap gifts is a wonderful way to recycle. I used mine to wrap a Yankee Candle in a container, it fit perfectly. But you can wrap anything that will fit! You’ll need: Wrapping paper Scissors Double sided tape Tacky glue Tissue paper Bows, gift tags Using your coffee can... Continue reading→
How to make a cute North Pole from a recycled paper towel roll.
Check out this cute North Pole sign… it’s easy to make, and is an adorable addition to your Christmas decor. This homemade Christmas craft project is a fun and easy thing to make during the Christmas holidays. It’s easy enough for both kids and adults to put together and would be a fun craft to... Continue reading→
Track Santa with NORAD!
For more than 50 years, NORAD and its predecessor, the Continental Air Defense Command (CONAD) have tracked Santa’s flight. The tradition began in 1955 after a Colorado Springs-based Sears Roebuck & Co. advertisement misprinted the telephone number for children to call Santa. Instead of reaching Santa, the phone number put kids through to the CONAD... Continue reading→
Christmas gift packaging and wrapping tips…
To some it comes naturally, like athletic prowess or maths genius, but to others wrapping up presents for Christmas is akin to rocket science, and aside from an inability to use paper to wrap up presents, they are also bereft of ideas for packaging anything other than a DVD case. Here are a few helpful... Continue reading→
Make your own mesh wreath for Christmas!
I got into a whole new world last year when it came to crafts. Yup, the cursed mesh wreath craze that blew up pinterest – But I personally blame YouTube. Anyway, I spent a small fortune at the dollar tree, dollar general, and of course Pat Catan’s buying up mesh of different lengths, textures and... Continue reading→
Pumpkin Spice Muffins
I recently came across the easiest recipe for pumpkin muffins, that I’ve ever tried. With just two simple ingredients you can whip up a dozen pumpkin muffins, and probably have them gobbled down, in less than half an hour. Since they are so easy to make, you might want to whip up several batches to... Continue reading→
Keeping the magic alive, kids and their belief in Santa Claus, tips for parents.
One of the questions I get asked most often by my readers is how to help keep their kids belief in Santa Claus alive just a little longer. While I know it’s hard these days to convince some kids of his existence, even if they’ve been to the mall and met him in person, it’s... Continue reading→
Christmas craft, decorating and homemade Christmas gift ideas!
When it comes to Christmas, especially in cyberspace, I’m a total junkie! I just can’t get enough of Christmas online. I spend many hours a week browsing through Christmas websites looking for neat Christmas craft projects and you wouldn’t believe what I’ve found! There are so many wonderful sites chock full of Christmas crafts I... Continue reading→