Bubble lights, those mesmerizing ornaments that adorn many holiday trees, carry with them a unique charm and a dash of nostalgia. Their gentle bubbling motion evokes memories of cozy family gatherings and the warmth of festive seasons. But what exactly are bubble lights, and what makes them so captivating? History The story of bubble lights […]
Category Archives: Jinglebelle’s Corner
Welcome to Jinglebelle’s corner! This is where I keep my favorite articles archived for you to enjoy!
Recycle old coffee cans into fabulous gift wrapped containers!
Using an old coffee can to wrap gifts is a wonderful way to recycle. I used mine to wrap a Yankee Candle in a container, it fit perfectly. But you can wrap anything that will fit! You’ll need: Wrapping paper Scissors Double sided tape Tacky glue Tissue paper Bows, gift tags Using your coffee can […]
Make your own mesh wreath for Christmas!
I got into a whole new world last year when it came to crafts. Yup, the cursed mesh wreath craze that blew up pinterest – But I personally blame YouTube. Anyway, I spent a small fortune at the dollar tree, dollar general, and of course Pat Catan’s buying up mesh of different lengths, textures and […]
How to make a cute North Pole from a recycled paper towel roll.
Check out this cute North Pole sign… it’s easy to make, and is an adorable addition to your Christmas decor. This homemade Christmas craft project is a fun and easy thing to make during the Christmas holidays. It’s easy enough for both kids and adults to put together and would be a fun craft to […]
Using a small space for a Christmas village
I’ve been decking the halls for the last two weeks, finding nooks and crannies to stuff all my Christmas decorations into. I’ve got greenery around the door frames, and my tree is all up. I’ve got my collection of nutcrackers on display, and the hutch is packed full of all my Santa figurines and other […]
Keeping the magic alive, kids and their belief in Santa Claus, tips for parents.
One of the questions I get asked most often by my readers is how to help keep their kids belief in Santa Claus alive just a little longer. While I know it’s hard these days to convince some kids of his existence, even if they’ve been to the mall and met him in person, it’s […]
What’s on your Christmas decorating list?
Christmas is absolutely my most favorite holiday! I know it’s early but I’m getting really anxious waiting for December to creep around. The anticipation of getting my Christmas decorations out is really getting to me! I’ve been thinking about what I’m going to do different this year with my outdoor decorating and for one thing, […]
Fun things you didn’t know about Christmas and Chocolate!
I don’t know about you, but my love for Chocolate takes a backseat only to my love of Christmas. Hands down the two C’s are my favorite things, and they go perfectly together. Here’s a few fun things you might not have known about Chocolate and Christmas! Did you know that the worlds tallest chocolate […]