Embossed Velvet Stockings

Materials needed:

Rubber stamps
Fabric adhesive, such as Fabri-Tac
Bells or beads
Pressing cloth

Cut a piece of velvet to 4 by 4 inches, and place it facedown on an ironing board. With a hot iron, press a piece of interfacing on the back of the velvet. Place a rubber stamp with the design of your choice on the ironing board surface with the outline facing up. Place the velvet, pile side down, on top of the stamp. Spray lightly with water, and press with the iron set on high. Hold the iron steady for 30 seconds.

Apply the fabric adhesive to the back of the embossed piece of velvet, and attach to the stocking. Hold in place for a few seconds and allow to dry. Embellish with bells or beads.