Reindeer Candycane Ornament

These are simple for any age to make, and PERFECT for large or small group Christmas parties at school or church. You can easily set up work stations stocked with all the materials needed. Assembly is quick, and they are super cute hanging from your tree!

What you need:

Wrapped Candy Canes
Small Googly Eyes
Red or Brown pipe cleaners cut into 2 inch lengths
Small red and green pompoms
craft glue bottles

Warning! Make sure the glue doesn’t come in direct contact with the unwrapped candy cane.

1. Glue eyes on rounded face of the candy cane.
2. Glue pompom on the face for a nose.
3. Use a pipe cleaner and wrap it around the crook of the candy cane (both sides equal) to make the beginning part of the antlers.
4. Manipulate the pipe cleaners to look like antlers.

Tip: Use metallic colored pipe cleaners in gold or silver for a glitzy reindeer.